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The Anunnaki, “Those who came from Heaven.”

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The Anunnaki

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Who are The Anunnaki Beings?

The Anunnaki, “Those who came from Heaven.”

The Ancient Sumerians

Ancient Sumer was the oldest civilization in Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq. Researchers believe this was among the first civilizations on Earth credited with being the closest to modern society. Ancient Mesopotamia had four main kingdoms: The oldest was Sumer then Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. Over 6,000 years ago, this ancient society had agriculture, religion, cosmology, astronomy, language, science, medicine, math, royal hierarchy, schools, and a structured justice system.

In centuries past, many excavation missions have recovered thousands of Cuneiform tablets invented by the ancient Sumerians. The Cuneiform writing system is wedged-shaped writing with a stylus on clay and stone tablets. Archaeologists also discovered the ruins of the capital city of Ur, the home of Abraham from the Bible. 

The gods were seated in a political hierarchy. There were the heavenly Spiritually Ranked gods; high-level gods, and lesser-stature gods who inhabited the Earth and the Underworld. Many questions about this ancient culture may have been answered when Zecharia Sitchin published his ground-breaking book named, The 12th Planet”.

Genesis 1:26 (KJV)

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Who is OUR?

The Anunnaki are the Supreme Deities and among the most mysterious of powerful gods of all sacred texts.

The Anunnaki from the Planet Nibiru

The Alien Theory researchers believe the Cuneiform tablets describe otherworldly events and circumstances. The tablets describe a group of divine extraterrestrial beings known as the Anunnaki. Anunnaki means, “Those who came from heaven”. The Anunnaki are the Supreme Deities and among the most mysterious of powerful gods of all sacred texts. The early Sumerians described them as being Humanoids combined with non-physical spirit beings. 

These deities had non-human capabilities such as shape-shifting and they descended to Earth on a special mission to mine for gold. In the Cuneiform text, the Anunnaki are described in great detail, including how they lived for hundreds of years, had tremendous knowledge of the Universe, conscious wisdom, power over the world, and alien technology with advanced understanding of science and arts.

Documented on seven of these tablets is the Babylonia creation myth called the Enuma Elish also known as the “Seven Tablets of Creation”.

Anunnaki and the Creation of Man

Documented on seven of these tablets is the Babylonia creation myth called the Enuma Elish also known as the Seven Tablets of Creation. When the Anunnaki made it to Earth to mine for gold, they realized it would be an exhausting, hardworking, and difficult feat. They created men as workers to mine the gold for them. Through many trials, the Anunnaki began to create a dutiful worker in the form of humans. Seven Tablets of Creation recorded in detail the accounts of the creation of Earth, man, and the lives of the gods.

The Holy Bible explains the short version of creation, while the Sumerian tablets are a more detailed version. The Enuma Elish distinctly describes alien space travelers who possessed a highly advanced knowledge of genetic engineering with the manipulation of DNA in human beings.

According to the Alien Theory, our ancestors were given conscious intelligence by a deliberate change of our DNA by these travelers. This elevation in consciousness allowed for the advancement of technology to progress into what we see today. According to Sitchin’s translations, the Anunnaki created humans and also had a hand in mankind’s downfall when a great flood nearly destroyed all life on Earth.

According to the ancient Sumerian legend, the great flood was not a natural event, it was directed by the Anunnaki god Enlil.

Enki and Enlil

Every culture around the world from Hindu, Africa, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Mayans, etc, all have similar descriptions of these star beings coming to earth from the heavens and co-creating hybrids who were half otherworldly and half-human. According to the ancient Sumerian legend, the great flood was not a natural event, it was directed by the Anunnaki god Enlil. 

There were two leaders, Enlil and his half-brother Enki. They were in the authority of the group of Anunnaki positioned on Earth. Enlil felt procreation was out of control, and humans were troublesome and thus needed to be erased. The condition of Earth enraged him. Enlil decided the best way to eliminate humans was by creating a flood. His brother Enki took the human side and protested that humans needed to be preserved. According to legend, Enki warned King Ziusudra to build a boat to prepare for the flood. 

The next orbit is projected for the year 2900.

The Anunnaki and the Future of Our Planet

Nibiru is on a concise path that brings the planet into our orbit every 3,450 years. The next orbit is projected for the year 2900. When they return (or show themselves currently), based on past records, we can expect to see new technological advancements, new wisdom, and new ideas planted into the human consciousness. 

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