
15 Ways to get ready for Spring

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Spring is in the air! There is no time like the present to get yourself ready for spring in every area of your life. If you are in certain parts of the United States, time sprung forward which means the nights are longer and the days are shorter. Old man winter has gone away and in some parts of the world, the weather is becoming more spring-like. If you look closely, you may see tiny buds coming out of the trees. The birds are singing louder than usual and love is upon us. This is the perfect time to get your life cleaned up and ready for spring.

Here are 15 mindful ways to prepare for spring in your mind, body, soul, and home:

  1. First and foremost, acknowledge you made it through winter. Winter can be brutal with the cold weather and can damper moods. Outside activities have slowed down and many people tend to stay inside more. Take a look at your winter ideas, cues, inspirations, creativity, soul growth, etc, and see how you can incorporate this into your life for the coming spring months and beyond. Winter is often a time of introspection and this introspection can be pivotal in helping you achieve your future goals.
  2. Declutter the house, the whole house. In order to keep your energy at a high vibration, you need to have a clutter-free home. I recommend spring cleaning your entire home in the month of February just in time for Spring. Anything you have not worn or used in every room of the house should be donated to a good cause. Get rid of anything that no longer serves you and prepare for the new entering your life.
  3. Declutter your mind. Due to the sluggish nature of winter, the same can be said about our minds. Over the year we accumulate many thought patterns and some of them will need to be cleared as the sun comes out again. A few ways to clear your mind are meditation, yoga, creativity, hobbies, friends, prayer, music, comedy, a hot bath, etc.
  4. Rearrange your environment. Move the furniture, get new curtains, buy a new bed in a bag, and add some new decor to your living area. If things continue to look the same you will get bored. Spring is the perfect time for a home makeover.
  5. Get solid. That means, getting solid on your beliefs and what you stand for. We all have heard the saying, “Stand for nothing, fall for anything.” You should be so solid in your beliefs that no one can make you feel otherwise, even if they disagree. You can stand on your truth even if you have to stand alone.
  6. Start a journal. Many of us can remember a time when we wrote in our journals every day and now we have slacked. Some of us may not have a journal. Whatever the case may be, it is either time to start a journal or become more consistent in writing in one. Keeping a journal allows you to express your inner thoughts and fears without judgment. Things you are uncomfortable talking about to other people can be journaled. A journal can be anything you want, a notebook, a fancy-designed journal, a notepad, or a piece of paper, as long as you have something to write on. Try a few out and see which one draws you close. You can write in your journal anytime you wish, I recommend at least once a week.
  7. Learn something new. You have always wanted to learn Spanish? Perfect, enroll in the course or download the app you have been eyeing for months. Always wanted to go to a cooking class, now is the time.
  8. Let go of that old habit. Is there a nagging habit you know deep down you need to change? Why not start now? You did not gain this habit overnight so it will take some time to adjust to the new lifestyle. You are used to doing the habit every day and will have to rewire yourself to adapt to your new life.
  9. Go for it. Have you always wanted to jump out of an airplane? Swim with the dolphins? Travel to the pyramids? Now is the time to go for it. Write out a bucket list of all the things you want to do before you pass to the afterlife. Make a promise to yourself that you will start as soon as possible to scratch them off.
  10. Spend more time with friends. Winter is the season of hibernation so when friends are knocking on the door, we turn them away for the snug of comfort. It is time to rekindle those relationships. Of course, true friends will always be there, however, they will be happy to hang out with you. Contact them and reconnect.
  11. Start a spiritual practice. A spiritual practice is something you do every day to acknowledge life, a higher power, nature-or whatever you believe in. There does not need to be a religious component to this, however, if you believe in a higher power by all means. Whatever works for you, even if it is only being thankful for being alive.
  12. Start being more grateful. With spring comes sun, beach, nice weather, and fun. To keep these good times rolling and come out of the no-so-good times, practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude means just being thankful at different times of the day for all of the blessings you have now and those to come. You are also in acknowledgment of the people, places, finances, things, etc that make your world go ‘round.
  13. Time management. To make sure you are not depleted before the summer arrives, have better time management. Good time management means you have a handle on your professional, personal, financial, social, etc parts of your life.
  14. Tune in with nature and the natural cycles of Earth. Learn the cycles of Earth, moon phases, and astrology as it pertains to the months. Between March 20th, the Spring equinox, and the summer solstice in June there are natural holidays. Unlike traditional holidays, natural holidays align with the energy of Earth. March 21st is Ostara which is similar to Easter. Beltane is on April 30th/May 1st and is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer.
  15. Pursue your dreams and goals. If you start now, you will be well on your way come summer.

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