
Who was Jesus?

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Who was Jesus?

Jesus is revered on Earth by many names: The Son of God, God in human flesh, God, and Salvation.

Jesus is revered in the Christian faith by many names: The Son of God, God in human flesh, God, and Salvation. The universal belief of this faith is, that there is one Supreme God and the Bible is the written Revelation to humans from God.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, lived without sin, performed miracles, was crucified for our redemption, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven. He intercedes for us in the heavenly realm and will return to Earth again one day for judgment day.

Because Adam and Eve sinned, humans can receive eternal salvation free from sin if they accept Jesus Christ as their savior for entrance into heaven when they die. Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from our sins. Accepting Christ’s sacrifice made possible by His death can remove one’s alienation from God.

Genesis 1:26 (KJV)

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Who is OUR?

Jesus was born to Virgin Mother Mary and this is commemorated with the holiday of Christmas.

He performed many miracles such as changing water to wine, rising from the dead, casting out unclean spirits, healing a leper, stilling a storm, and splitting the Red Sea. He taught peace, love, and ancient wisdom. Easter is a very important holiday in the Christian faith because it is the time Jesus was crucified on the cross.

The crucifixion is recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, KJV, Matthew 27 1:54. Notably, in the story of the burial of Jesus, he was dead for three days, rose from the dead, and later ascended into heaven.

Although Jesus was not originally from Earth, he was born as a human.

Jesus was not from Earth, however, he came to Earth born as a human. Did Jesus have advanced technology that allowed him the capability to perform such miracles? Was there something unique about his appearance to have him treated in such a way? How did he rise from the dead? How was he able to ascend into space? Could the halo depicted on his head be a helmet?

One thing is for certain, he promised to return to Earth one day.


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