
The Ancients and the Monthly Moon Cycle

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The Ancients and the Monthly Moon Cycle

Before the invention of calendars, the Ancients and the monthly moon were in sync. The Ancients followed the monthly and yearly moon cycles as an important part of daily life.

Before the invention of calendars, the Ancients and the monthly moon cycle were in sync. The moon was one of the most important celestial bodies used as a natural and observable timekeeper. The consistent moon phases helped the ancients develop calendars. The monthly and yearly moon cycles were a part of daily life for practical, cultural, and spiritual reasons. Ancient farmers used (moon) cycles for agricultural predictions. Planting crops during certain moon cycles enhanced growth, while other cycles were used for harvesting. The moon’s gravitational pull is the primary force behind ocean tides.

Lunar phases affect human behavior influencing emotions. The moon’s position on a birth chart reveals aspects of a person’s personality, feelings, and intuition. The moon cycle has been linked to the menstrual cycle, fertility, and reproduction. The moon is a powerful ancient symbol representing change, intuition, secrets, and the cycle of nature and life. The moon holds deep spiritual meaning associated with many gods and goddesses called the Lunar DeitiesPantheon.

Monthly Moon Phases

The different shapes of the moon at certain times of the month are called the moon’s phases. Each moon phase has its significance scientifically, spiritually, and culturally.

The Monthly Moon Cycle

The monthly moon phases known as the lunar cycle, consist of eight distinct phases of the moon as it orbits the Earth. The different shapes of the moon at certain times of the month are called the moon’s phases. Each moon phase has its significance scientifically, spiritually, and culturally. The moon cycle is the result of the relative positions of the Earth, moon, and sun. A monthly moon cycle orbits for approximately 29 1/2 days from one new moon to the next new moon.

In the sky, the moon appears to change shape such as a crescent or a bright circle. The shape of the moon doesn’t change, our view on Earth of the moon does. There is one source of light in our solar system — the Sun. Without the Sun, the moon would be completely dark because it does not produce its own light. Like Earth, the Moon has a “day side” and a “night side” which changes as the Moon rotates. 

The Wheel of the Year has eight Sabbats and 12 Full Moons marking a significant point in nature, the solar and lunar calendar.

The Eight Monthly Moon Phases

New Moon

Earth cannot see the moon on a new moon.

The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, a time of new beginnings, planning, and setting intentions. A new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun. The moon is facing away from the sun and its shadowed dark side faces Earth. The new moon is only visible during a solar eclipse.

Waxing Crescent

In the Northern Hemisphere, the waxing crescent moon appears as a thin crescent of light on the right side.

The waxing crescent moon is the second phase in the moon’s monthly cycle. The waxing crescent moon phase symbolizes development and building on intentions. A sliver of the moon is visible as it moves away from the sun’s direct alignment. In the Northern Hemisphere, the crescent shape appears on the right side of the moon when the moon’s illuminated side faces away from Earth.

The first and third quarter moon is known as a half moon.

First Quarter

The first quarter moon phase is also called the half-moon.

About a week after the new moon is the third monthly moon phase, the first quarter moon known as a half moon. The first quarter moon requires focus and determination to succeed as the moon is one quarter of the way around its monthly orbit around Earth. Half of the illuminated half is visible, like half of a pie.

During this phase, the moon appears as a half-illuminated circle, with one side of the moon lit up and the other side dark. The illuminated half visible depends on the location: the Northern Hermisphere, the right half illuminates and the left half illuminates in the Southern Hemisphere


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The Waxing Gibbous means to get bigger and appears between a first quarter half moon and full moon. 

Waxing Gibbous

The fourth of the monthly moon phases is the waxing gibbous, a time for refinement, analyzing progress, and adjustments. The term “waxing” means to increase or get bigger. The moon’s surface area visible from Earth increases, and the lit-up part looks like a hump-back. The moon is more than half full and its illuminated surface makes most of the day side come into view and appear brighter in the sky.

It is best to view the waxing gibbous in the daytime, in the Northern Hemisphere, the moon is illuminated on the right, and in the southern hemisphere, it’s illuminated on the left.

Full Moon

The full moon is completely illuminated.

The fifth brightest, powerful, most visible phase of the entire lunar cycle is the full moon, a time of magick, heighten energy, emotions and power. The full moon is opposite the sun and when viewed from Earth reveals the moon’s entire dayside or the completely illuminated side. The moon appears full when it reaches the halfway point of its orbit with Earth in between.

The moon appears as a complete bright circle in the sky because the sun’s rays illuminate the entire side of the moon that faces Earth. Each month has one full moon, however, when the full moon happens within the beginning of a month, a second full moon may occur known as a “blue moon.” A blue moon occurs approximately once every 33 months. As one of the brightest objects in the sky, the full moon is an important spiritual symbol in legends, religions, and many cultures.

Waning Gibbous

The waning gibbous is between the full moon and third quarter moon and means to get smaller.

The waning gibbous moon is the sixth phase of the monthly moon cycle, a time for gratitude, learning from experiences and giving back. The energy begins to wane as the moon begins its journey back toward the sun with the left side becoming shadowed. You might be able to catch the waning gibbous moon during the day as it will appear less than full, more half-lighted.

Third Quarter

The third quarter moon is also a half moon because the opposite half of the moon is illuminated compared to the first quarter moon.

The seventh of the monthly moon phases is the third quarter or last quarter moon. A last quarter moon represents a time of release and eliminating what no longer serves. The third quarter moon is also a half moon because the opposite half of the moon is illuminated compared to the first quarter moon. From Earth the moon appears as a half-lit sphere when in reality, only a quarter of the moon is illuminated by the sun with the left side illuminated and the right side in shadow.

Waning Crescent

In the Northern Hemisphere, the waning crescent moon phase is a thin crescent of light on the left.

The final phase of the monthly moon cycle is the waning crescent moon also known as the Old Moon. This final phase is a time for rest, conservation of energy, and preparation for the upcoming new moon cycle. The amount of sunlight reflecting off the moon decreases thus the term “waning”. The crescent is on the left side and the moon is nearly back in its orbit where its dayside directly faces the Sun.

The ancients and the moon cycle were important because the moon influenced natural phenomena, humanity, and agriculture. The moon cycles were used for timekeeping, cultural, spiritual, religious and scientific study connecting us to the rhythm of nature, and the Earth.

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Dr. Shakira known as The Ancient One

Zodiac Wheel

In The OLDE Book, The Chapters discuss topics such as the Wheel of the Year, Ancient Philosophy, insights, traditions, practices, rituals, folklore, sacred texts, and customs that honor the Earth’s Dance.

Incorporate Ancient Knowledge of nature and The Universe, and deepen your connection to the Earth and The Divine.

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